Free Spirit. Wife. Mother.
Entrepreneur. Student of the Universe
Hi beautiful people!
I'm Bree.
I am a DC native who over the years, has become very passionate about spiritualism, connecting with people & Spirit and deep, intentional reflection. If you follow my on IG (@energy_vibration), you're aware that I'm married to an incredible man & that we welcomed our son, Josiah, on March 14th, 2020. I've also combed out and restarted my loc journey and celebrated 1 year (re)loc'd on 1.2.2021!
Professionally, I spend my days empowering my international clients through language education and cultural immersion. When I'm not busy running my business, World English Tutor, LLC, I am busy fulfilling orders for Cosmic Scents or being a mama to Jo, catching up with friends on Zoom, spending time with my family or tending to the needs of our Pitbull (Beaux) or kitty (Rasta).
I started this blog merely as an outlet to express myself through writing.
As an English major from Spelman College and someone who journals often, I have always found writing therapeutic. You can even ask my friends, I'm definitely someone who prefers to text instead of talking on the phone, haha!
Given that I've endured some pretty life-altering experiences in my 20s that have shaped who I am today, I wanted to share some of those lessons with you all with the hope that some of you find comfort, encouragement and maybe even a little inspiration from my experiences.
It's so easy for us to think that we're enduring life's journeys alone and this blog is my attempt to affirm that you are not in this thing called life alone.
You ready to connect, tribe?
Let's do this!